Garfield County Flea Market
We have a sale on the second Saturday and Sunday of every month. Admission for buyers is free. Check in for sellers starts at 6AM on Saturday, 7AM on Sunday. The doors open at 8 AM for buyers. Selling ends at 4 PM. Vendors can leave anytime but need to be vacated by 5:00PM. We have 34+ indoor spaces of approximately 10 x 10. We have large spaces outside that will accommodate a truck or vehicle and a trailer up to 10 ft. There are 2 food vendor spaces available every month for lease. Please call 970 625-2514 One is a full kitchen, the other is a snack bar type for pre-packaged items. This will be a great opportunity for NON-profits or Fundraising each month. Spread the word!
Reservations (prepaid) are accepted for each indoor space. Outside areas on a first come, first placed bases. Each space is $25 per day or $40 for both days. Outdoor spaces are the same price and will accommodate a truck or vehicle and trailer up to 10ft. Each space includes 1 table and 2 chairs. (None with the outside spaces) Electricity is available, cords NOT included. For more info, reservations call Ros Hatch 970 230-0980 Or find us on FB Garfield County Flea Market